Using this method is highly accurate. When your baby’s nub (genital tubercle) is forming and visible around 12 weeks, the angle of the dangle can assist in predicting the sex of your baby.

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To determine gender, The Gender Experts use the following criteria:
- Visibility
- The angle of genital tubercle in relation to the spine
- Shadows and male markers on and surrounding tip of nub
- Shape, including length according to gestational age
These factors contribute to the nub theory being scientifically proven and provides an impressively accurate prediction of your baby’s gender.
How early can I use the Nub Theory to know whether it will be a boy or girl?
Before 10 weeks of pregnancy, the genital tuber appears to be the same in both male and female fetus’. At 11 weeks, if the visibility is in perfect conditions, it may be possible to predict, but accuracy will not be as great as weeks 12-14. After 14 weeks, it may be possible for the sonographer to determine gender at the appointment, however most ultrasound technicians wait until your anatomy scan at around week 20.

Nub Theory vs. Gender Calendars and Gender Charts
If you’ve been looking into finding out the gender of your baby as early as possible, and don’t want to rely on old wives tales, you’ve probably come across one or many of the different ‘methods’ listed online in forums and other places. These include ancient tactics like our original Chinese birth calendar, and Indian Gender prediction test, among other methods.
Unfortunately, even the most accurate Chinese gender prediction chart doesn’t do much better than giving you a 50-50 chance of guessing the gender accurately. Nub theory, on the other hand, provides an accurate gender prediction in roughly 9 out of 10 cases.
So even if you’re still wondering, “What’s a nub in the first place?” Our experts know everything necessary to use your early ultrasound to provide you with an accurate, customized prediction of your baby’s gender. Please feel free to contact us directly if you’d like to learn more about this process, or just want to ask — “Where is a nub on scan sheets from our ultrasound?”
We’re here to answer your questions and provide the earliest, most accurate baby gender predictions available anywhere.