Learn about the most popular at-home gender prediction methods to try out throughout pregnancy.
Boy or Girl?
As soon as pregnancy begins, many expecting parents are curious whether they will have a son or daughter. For decades and even centuries, parents and family members love guessing the sex of the new baby-to-be. The Gender Experts explain the precise odds of having a boy or girl and Ancient Mayan and Chinese charts that were used in their time. We explore newer methods like baby’s heart rate, the baking soda test, and many other old wives’ tales. Have fun guessing the gender before baby is born and get ideas for Baby Showers and Gender Reveal party games.

Boy Or Girl Odds
The odds of having a boy or girl is not as straightforward as 50/50. See how the statistics slightly favor boys over girls using several mathematical approaches. read more

Heart Rate Gender Prediction
This test can be used as soon as your baby’s heartbeat is detected on a fetal doppler. Learn about what to expect when hearing your baby’s heartbeat, how this gender test works, and the accuracy. This test can be used as soon as your baby’s heartbeat is detected on a fetal doppler. Learn about what to expect when hearing your baby’s heartbeat, how this gender test works, and the accuracy. read more

Baking Soda Gender Test
Learn about this at home test that uses the ph. of your first morning’s urine when it reacts with baking soda. Read about how to properly conduct this test, interpret boy vs. girl results, and the accuracy.

Old Wives Tales
If you’re looking for all the old wives’ tales to predict the sex of your baby, look no further. The Gender Experts have compiled a comprehensive list of both popular and obscure old wives’ tales. From skin changes to dreams to food cravings, we leave no stone unturned to predict whether you are carrying a boy or girl. read more
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