Nesting During Pregnancy: 5 Tips For Making The Most Of It

Nesting During Pregnancy: 5 Tips For Making The Most Of It

Nesting During Pregnancy: 5 Tips For Making The Most Of It

Congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy! If you are a first-time mom and you are getting the sudden urge to clean your new baby's room and get everything just right before your newborn arrives, then you may be experiencing the phenomenon known as “nesting.” Below we will tell you a bit about nesting and the tips you can use to stay productive and properly manage your energy.

1. Understand What You Are Going Through

The term nesting is just like it sounds. It is a natural urge of many expecting mothers to want to make their love nest just right for their upcoming baby. Many mothers are inclined to complete similar activities during this time, including organizing their clothes, stocking up on freezer meals for the busy evenings, checking and rechecking the baby’s list of needs, and baby-proofing the house, among other actions.

 Often nursing occurs because you are not getting as much activity in the final days of your pregnancy, and you are bored, so you start finding things to do. It is perfectly natural. Just try not to go overboard and keep your health in mind.

2. Get All Of The Essentials

If you are nesting and you want to be productive, then you can start to buy the essential baby items and furniture that will make your life easier once you get home from the hospital. For instance, you will need a crib, a mattress, comfortable bedding, a dresser for baby clothes, a high-quality changing table, and a toy box for all of their fun stuffed animals and educational toys that will help them grow smarter. Then, you can fill your days by setting everything up.

Since raising a baby can be expensive, you can take some of the stress off of your shoulders by adding some of the more expensive items to your gift registry and scheduling to have it all delivered before the child is born.

3. Properly Manage Your Energy Levels

You will likely be full of energy when you start all of your nesting projects, but since you are caring for two people at the moment, that energy won’t last, and you will likely become tired over time. While it is important that you get plenty of rest, you can try to stay consistently energized throughout the day by drinking plenty of water, eating healthy meals that are high in protein, and by taking natural supplements like vitamins D and B.

It is also important to manage your stress throughout the day, or you could get mentally exhausted. Manage your stress by taking a nap, setting boundaries for how much work you do every day, and consider getting a massage to put your mind at ease.

4. Watch Your Health

Typical nesting activities may include building furniture and cleaning the house, but you must be careful to watch your health and the health of your baby. Don’t climb any ladders or put together items that have a lot of big pieces, or you could risk dropping something and getting hurt. If you must put those items together, then ask for help.

Also, it is important that you avoid using harsh chemicals like bleach and oven cleaners as breathing them in could be toxic. If you need to complete those tasks, then consider hiring a cleaning service, so you don’t put yourself in danger.

5. Create A Hospital Bag

As the birth of your baby quickly approaches, you will want to be prepared for the unexpected moment when you need to rush to the hospital to welcome your new child into the world. The best way to be prepared is to create a hospital bag filled with everything you will need, including:

Hospital paperwork
Insurance card
Birth plan
Extra socks
Comfortable pillow
Eye mask and earplugs so you can sleep


As you can see, it is perfectly natural to start nesting at this point in your pregnancy. Consider these tips, and you can stay energized and ready for the birth of your bundle of joy.


Image by valeria_aksakova on Freepik

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